
Getting SaaSy: Winning SaaS Product Development Process in 10 Steps

Outsourced IT department

Just take a look at solutions you use on a daily basis, like Netflix for movies, Adobe Creative Cloud for design, Zoom for communication, Maichimp for email, Hubspot, Saleforce for managing customer relations, and similar. All of them are SaaS solutions, meaning the SaaS sector is vast and diversified. We at MindK have created SaaS Getting SaaSy: Winning SaaS Product Development Process in 10 Steps

QA Management Best Practices to Improve the Quality of Software Testing

QA management best practices

However, six months after the release, the Bó team faced serious issues – bugs. As a result, the team spent the three months after the launch fixing bugs. One of the main reasons for early tech failures was the haste to go live to avoid project cancelation. There were other circumstances that contributed to the QA Management Best Practices to Improve the Quality of Software Testing

How to Implement Lean Software Development: 5 Best Practices

Lean software development

Who doesn’t want to eliminate unproductive operations, reduce costs and development time, improve product quality, and increase profits? Especially in today’s ever-changing business environment. Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? We at MindK also believed so until we applied Lean to our software development process. After years of practice with the Lean approach, How to Implement Lean Software Development: 5 Best Practices

Four Opportunities Digital Transformation Brings to Advertising

Digital transformation in advertising

At MindK, we have been developing software solutions for advertising and marketing for years and see how client requests in terms of digital transformation have changed — from clear-cut process automation to smart analytics, personalization, focus on CTV/OTT advertising, and more. Most of the changes,  already reviewed when talking about the AdTech industry, are complicated Four Opportunities Digital Transformation Brings to Advertising

What Technologies You Need to Consider to Enable Digital Transformation

Digital transformation technologies

Based on MindK’s experience developing software solutions for a variety of sectors, including finance, education, recruitment, construction, energy, and others, we can confidently assert that there is a set of technologies that can accelerate digital transformation for businesses across industries.  So, let’s discuss technologies from the point of view of use cases and their relevance What Technologies You Need to Consider to Enable Digital Transformation

4 Use Cases of IoT in the Energy Industry

iot in energy

The Internet of Things (IoT) can be applied in the energy sector both for energy supply, transmission, distribution, and demand. Based on the experience we gained from developing digital solutions for our clients in the energy sector, we can confidently say that among the main benefits the energy sector can gain from IoT are better 4 Use Cases of IoT in the Energy Industry

Understanding Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading: Benefits, Examples of Platforms, Technical Requirements

Peer to peer energy trading

As a software development company, MindK has been working with the sustainability sector for the past 10 years. In this time, we’ve seen many exciting technologies change the niche. peer-to-peer (P2P) trading looks to be the next big thing that will disrupt the industry, according to researchers at Deloitte. So, here’s what you need to know Understanding Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading: Benefits, Examples of Platforms, Technical Requirements

Digital Disruption in the Energy Industry: Will Oil and Gas Become Obsolete?

digital disruption energy industry

This is hardly the first energy shift that oil and gas companies have encountered, but this one is unlike any other. In the past, each energy transition resulted in a more efficient and marketable kind of energy. Today’s energy transition is different as it is driven not only by factors of energy efficiency. Why this Digital Disruption in the Energy Industry: Will Oil and Gas Become Obsolete?

Software Architecture Consulting Services: Everything You Need to Know in 2025

software architecture consulting

As a CTO at MindK, I recently talked to the founders of a Big Data startup who found it impossible to serve new customers among clinics. The product would freeze or become unresponsive, seemingly at random. These problems often lasted for days or even weeks. Frustrated users asked for refunds; the company was bleeding thousands Software Architecture Consulting Services: Everything You Need to Know in 2025

Future of Energy: Technology Solutions to Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050

The energy sector is the key to mitigating the worst effects of climate change, as it accounts for roughly three-quarters of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. From a scientific perspective, everything is obvious: in order to minimize damage, we need not only to reduce the zero-carbon footprint but to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Net-zero GHG Future of Energy: Technology Solutions to Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050

10 Best DevOps Practices to Make your Team Work Like a Clock

Best DevOps Practices

What is DevOps? It is an entire philosophy that bridges Quality Assurance, development and operations teams. It uses a set of best DevOps practices and proven tools to automate software delivery. DevOps is one of the key ingredients that allowed companies like Amazon and Netflix to dominate their markets. At MindK, we tried the DevOps 10 Best DevOps Practices to Make your Team Work Like a Clock

Europe Energy Crisis and What Tech Startups Can Do About It

Europe Energy Crisis

We at MindK have been developing software solutions for more than a decade, but we haven’t seen such high demand for energy and sustainability-focused tech solutions, also known as climate tech, as in the last few years. Investments in climate tech are growing, turning it into a maturing asset class. For instance, in the first Europe Energy Crisis and What Tech Startups Can Do About It